Friday, March 29, 2019

Arresting officer Abraham Luna -Sante Fe Division threats to arrest using color of law

  A few months before the arrest of Richard Urrutia, the Oklahoma City police swerved in front of us demanding hands put up.  They put me in a car after telling me that they just wanted to talk to him.. While I was sitting in the back of the car the officer said he would run my name real quick.    
  Those officers take some minutes, then soon surround me.  Basically saying there was somethin found in a bag after they moved us & they needed me to let them know if Richard had thrown it. 
   I couldn't say that I seen him throw it & it became threats that they would then have to charge both of us..  As one officer gets angry he then splurts out that they planned on taking him for possession regardless at one point when we spoke & really if I just said it was his then they would of let me go. But otherwise they would have to charge both of us for it.   

  Because of this story I also arrested on possession charges & I thought I would spend forever in jail,  or worse & go to prison.  I have a previous case that I signed for just to be let out of jail but nothing legal was done in first place. 

   If you look up my record then it shows the possessions probable cause hearing but it goes no further on this one. (3-20-2018). It shows on my OSCN for probable cause that next morning but nothing at all is shown on his record.

   This time the crazy thing was that just as morning hit, about 8am, the jail personal came to release me. When we were exiting the pod she told me that they decided not to file charges on me. I was released but not him. He was held for 10 days like i should have been because its odd for them to pull you first thing in morning to release you because they decided not to file.   And how & why does a jail officer even have that info?
  Richard waited out his 10 days but once he was released he tells me that the jail officer who took him to arraignment actually told him, while they were standing there for arraignment, that they decided to let me go.. 
  Later on I had realized that basically they had tried to get me to set him up & would of used me saying it was his to have their proof. That's why they made me believe that I was going to have a case on me.  I believed them at that time & I was scared to death & crying as I went to jail. 

        NOW THINK ABOUT IT..... .
   Richard was not driving anything when officer pulled in the parkinglot at that corner shopping center. A friend of mine named Carrie was posted outside at gas pumps. She stated the officer pulled in & got out & walked straight in the store. Our other friend, Ashley, was posted behind Pico in line. The officer came in the store with the intentions to arrest Pico. Ashley stated that the officer 1st asked Pico if he driving the red truck & Pico stated No'.   As Pico began to walk away the officer said "Dont make me take you down", & Pico stopped. 
  The store clerk told me that the officer asked him if Pico had paid for that pump & what he used to pay. The store clerk stated to me that he answered the officer by saying that the defendant had not even got a chance to pay yet so he had not used nothing to pay for anything, so he did not know.
    The officer arrested Richard for stolen vehicle that parked in lot even though nobody seen him driving any vehicle anywhere. Of course at court they deopped that charge because of the facts & that meant they had no probable cause for his arrest. But after arresting him & searching him they found a bag of stuff in his pocket. They continue to charge him on it although technically with 'Illegal Search & Siezure' then they have no right to keep any charge

  -- But if you want to ask why they would target Richard as they do then I will tell you.. . .
   The reason they plot against him is because of something that happened when he was 18 & I know this because i have watched the police harass him once& right after Richard was first released.  They mentioned a case where an officer was shot & the name was 'Bearbow'.& I guess when Richard was 18 years old he was riding with another guy who had stole a car. The police chased them & the other guy opened fire on the officer. It killed him & I think the guys name was Bearbow. Richard got off on the charges because he was not the person shooting at anybody & the other guy did & went to prison. But when the cops first harrassed Richard one day they spoke of this.

    Also I know a man who was continually speaking to an officer from the Oklahoma city Sante Fe division on trying to get Richard arrested & the officer that came out to his place, I know, the officer also spoke both English & Spanish.  So, I figured that must be Officer Luna because the day of Richard's arrest, that officer aproached Richard & arrested him within a crowd of others because supposedly there was a parked stolen truck out at the gas pumps. The officer had no probable cause to arrest Richard because the officer had not seen Richard driving anything & by the questions asked to both 'Pico' & the store clerk at the registar, nothing said Richard had driven anything. Of course that charge of Unauthorized Use of Vehicle was dropped once the officer testified but the dope found during what makes an illegal arrest in the 1st place held. Richard should of never been searched & now the D.A comes at him with 15 years on that. The officer stated at arrest that he going to charge him with whatever he can & the biggest he can.

  ( The man who I speak about is Raul Vibillos-Jaurez but he changes his name alot, & he lived just a few houses down at 721 SE 48th OKC but not anymore.)

                      Stacy Privett

     WELL ACTUALLY, just because someone lives in a certain area they are treated like they are a criminals in Oklahoma City. They are somehow already labeled & therefore automatically treated so by our justice system here, & therefore my theory is that's how they become part of the justice system.

  "When you see somebody as a criminal & therefore automatically assume & prosecute them as one..,  then I guess they have no choice because the system makes them that through targeting & then prosecuting the innocent without real cause

( I am a felon because of this so don't tell me that it does not happen. I been there twice but only in OKC. And here is a 3rd time I thought for sure would send me to prison, but I am lucky it didn't. I thought again I was going to have a charge & I never seen myself going to prison in my life, or being a felon either, because I don't actually do anything bad like that).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I worked on defending Luis Ruiz a long time ago I never told people at the time, but it was because I knew the reason for all it was because the system was corrupt.

The one thing that never was exposed, & it's bothered me over the years, was what Oklahoma County District ATTORNEY'S office had done to take part in the fraud in that case. It was not only the Bethany Officers who used the Carina Saunders to manipulate the people but the District Attorneys office did as well.

I don't know who was all a part of it but I know that I had got all the way up to a Oklahoma County Districts Attorney by the name of David Prater.
I am not sure what it is all about but supposedly they needed that case to win elections. Maybe the entire arrest was faked on purpose but I dont know that it was. I know that Derek Chance was Luis Ruiz's lawyer & they mentioned how they could not let him go until after elections. That's because the evidence they blasted on T.V was not true & they knew it & at one point I knew that even David Prater knew it was all fake, but they still had not let him go. And the elections they were speaking about was because David Prater had just got in trouble for illegal compaign stuff & supposedly they needed to look like they caught that killer to overcross the publicity over that scandel.

AND... .
What the officers had done was they were raiding houses without warrants & using this case as a way to do it, by showing just cause to the public. ITS HARD TO BATTLE WHEN YOUR INCARCERATED. The house on 35th & Harvey was them chasing a drug ring & that's why when it shows arrests as being 4 Mexicans & a large quantity of dope in that house.

The case of Carina Saunders was known at the very beginning & the original detective that talked to all the original witnesses, & did all the initial investigating, already knew all the things they needed to know. It somehow disappeared. The reason it disappeared was because the government began going after something else.. .

As soon as they realized that Jimmy Massey was tied to a drug ring that the F.B.I. had been chasing; then with Bethany Officers it became about that. (Re-watch the news clips in order on that case & I could see that right there in the beginning.)

That's why it goes from already having the killers & the lady who cleaned it up named Rachael, with the evidence of blood & hair to prove it found in the freezer of an apartment, (the apartments off 15th & Portland, I think it was), to SE side of OKC & to 35th and Harvey area. It was really a raid where they busted pounds of dope & 4 Mexican men in that house & it was the drug ring they were chasing, & likely not where any girl died. They said it was because of the case, & the nieghbors said often heard girls screaming, but that was just so they could do illegal things & show cause. All those supposed statements were not real niether. Thats just what the news is there to convince everybody of.

There are many many things I can mention throughout this entire case later but I will cut short at the moment to say that this is the reason they did things later as they did. They needed to show that they found the killer on that case to save the District ATTORNEY'S ass I guess & that case is how the District Attorney was able to slide through that case being built against him, (in reference really to the "Sooner Tea Party Event" ) because if I would of shared then what I am going to begin to now, then the District ATTORNEY'S Office in Oklahoma County would of been ran through already & those still in office would not be.

Where does Justice reform sit & I feel like problem with system is justice fairness & people being treated equal

  Richard Urrutia recently signed for 10 years in prison on what was a simple possession. Sat in county a year & a half fighting it &...